Barbara’s Museum of Glamorous Glasses

Welcome to my own personal museum of serious and not-so-serious, glamorous and not-so-glamorous eyeglasses!
I am adding new frames all the time. This is the place where I’ll post pictures of my collection and pictures of some glasses I do not have, but would love to get.
This is also where you’ll find pictures of people in glasses. Some will be pictures of famous people and some will be pictures of people just like you and me! Some might even be of creatures who are not people, but who are wearing glasses anyway. Hmmm.....

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Think you look handsome or glamorous in glasses? Think you look silly? Not sure if you are handsome, glamorous or silly but want to be in the Gallery?
Send me a picture! I’ll do my best to include it on the website.
If you submitted a photo and it does not appear in the gallery within a week, please resubmit it.